Our South African Marketing Department has requested my contribution to this edition of the Hutz Heartbeat newsletter and so, I’m writing to you from my desk in Poitiers, France. Confined here, I feel more disconnected than ever before, yet oddly reconnected with our markets, this contradiction has proven the relevance of working remotely.

Six years ago, I decided to move my family to France, approaching their maternal side of the family. This move has allowed them to grow emotionally and form family bonds that will carry them into their future. Since then, I have been working @Home-Office and this radical change of working culture has brought its own challenges; yet allowed me to embrace a self-motivated culture. This self-drive, is something that I have noticed at Head Office alike, we are all cogs in the machine, interlocking functions and operating in unison, with a view and focus on a common goal.

We all know how the world has changed dramatically since March 2020 and it goes without saying that the challenges and changes were rather hardening. Being disconnected has actually allowed me to reconnect, while reassessing the value of face-to-face meetings and Health Exhibitions. Being connected electronically to and with our markets has allowed a continued presence…sometimes even bringing us even closer than before, by forcing our hand, to pick up the phone, not to book a flight, but to make the call and reconnect in the “new normal” way.

Through the forced travel restrictions, worldwide and particularly to and within Africa, its leaders have realised that travel to receive first world healthcare is not an option and that self-reliance and establishing their own world-class healthcare facilities is of utmost importance. I am very proud to be here, in this time, in a position to make their dreams a reality, by providing world-class healthcare to all its citizens, equally.

It’s also a perfect time to reflect on the Green values that this pandemic has brought to our way in doing business. If at all possible, we think not twice, but 5 times, before making those travel plans, and the hassle I can tell you, has to weigh-in the effort versus risk to which we expose ourselves. We clearly have to decide how best to achieve our goals.

My goals remain more focused than ever:

To develop our footprint within Africa, a personal vision;

To bring our high-quality products and solutions to the forefront of healthcare development;

To highlight the importance of Hospital Engineering, the fundamental backbone of a hospital;

To provide services to all the high-tech equipment the modern doctors require, in Africa as much as anywhere else in the world. With an ever-higher demand and dependability on medical devices, the health fraternity has the need for durable and future proof, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment. It is and has slowly become my lifelong passion, to bring this integrity to Healthcare, for the African continent;

To extend our reach to all corners of Africa, so that carers and administers of healthcare facilities and centres, have the same access as anywhere else;

To guide Hutz Medical to push ahead and continue to deliver on our Slogan: “Advancing Healthcare Technology.”